Letters of recommendation

As evidence of your Exceptional Promise, the Arts Council will expect you to provide letters of recommendation from experts in your field that you’ve previously worked with:

  • One letter must be from an established arts and culture organisation or an individual.
  • Two letters must be from established arts and culture organisations.
    • At least one of these must be based in the UK.

Letters of endorsement must:

  • be about your Global Talent application - you cannot use a letter written for another reason
  • be signed by a senior member of the organisation
  • say how the person knows you
  • show your achievements in the field, and how you are a leader or potential leader
  • say how you would benefit from living in the UK
  • say how you would contribute to cultural life in the UK
  • explain what plans you have for work in the future

The letters must also:

  • be typed and dated
  • be up to 3 single sides of A4 paper, excluding the author’s credentials and contact details
  • be signed by the author, or by someone on behalf of the organisation recommending you
  • include a telephone number and email address, and the organisation’s logo and registered address, if applicable
  • come with the author’s CV (or other proof of their credentials that the endorsing body will accept)