Other evidence you need to provide

You need to show evidence of at least 2 of the following:

  • international media recognition
  • international awards
  • international appearances or exhibitions

Each must be 2 sides of A4 paper or less and from the last 5 years. You may submit up to 10 pieces of evidence.

International media recognition

Give at least 2 examples of your work appearing in reviews, for example online or in a national publication or broadcast.

Reviews must be from arts and culture critics in internationally recognised and well-established media outlets.

If you’re applying as a leader, this work must be:

  • your own or work you did as a member of a group
  • from at least 2 countries
  • judged to be ‘significant’ by Arts Council England

If you’re applying as a potential leader, you must give examples of work from one or more countries. It can be your own work, work you did as a member of a group or work you did for someone else.

Your evidence must include:

  • the date of publication
  • the country where the review is from
  • a comment on the quality of your work
  • your name

If you’re applying as a potential leader and you’re not named in the evidence, you must provide other proof that you were involved in the work - for example, a letter from a senior member of the organisation or someone who is named in the evidence.

International awards

You do not need to apply for an endorsement if you’ve won an award that is included on the eligible prize list. You can apply for the visa straight away.

If your award is not included on the list, you must give proof that you have won at least one international award. You can include awards that you’ve made a ‘significant’ contribution to winning. If you’re applying as a potential leader, you can include examples where you’ve been nominated or shortlisted.

Examples of awards include Booker, Grammy or a domestic award like a Tony. It cannot be a grant or bursary.

Your evidence must include:

  • the category of award
  • the year of nomination
  • proof that you were involved in the work that received the award

International appearances or exhibitions

Give proof that your work has been displayed, sold or performed internationally at a professional level at a professional level. The proof must come from national publications, broadcasts or distribution data.

It must include:

  • the date it happened
  • the country where it happened
  • details of what you did
  • proof that you were involved, given by someone senior - if you’re applying as a potential leader

If you’re applying as a leader you must provide evidence from at least 2 countries.